My AVAA shows signs of instability/ringing.

The AVAA has been designed to absorb room modes in low frequencies.
It is composed, amongst others, of a loudspeaker and microphone which can be sensitive to feedback from the close environment (up to about 1.50 m around).
The feedback is audible and ranges from a slight ringing to a clear instability that is the stopped by the device’s internal limiter.

Setting the sensitivity/ of the AVAA:
In general the maximum possible absorption is desired in the low frequency by:
– Finding the location where the AVAA has the most effect in the listening position.
– Setting the highest possible gain without creating feedback from the direct environment.

Before reducing the gain, it is useful to spend a bit of time adjusting the acoustic interaction between the AVAA and its close environment:
– Move slightly the AVAA’s position and/or orientation.
– If possible, position some porous absorption between the AVAA and any reflective surfaces close to the AVAA.
– If necessary, reduce the sensitivity/gain slightly until the ringing disappears.

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