What is the best gain/sensitivity setting?

My AVAA shows signs of instability/ringing. The AVAA has been designed to absorb room modes in low frequencies.It is composed, amongst others, of a loudspeaker and microphone which can be sensitive to feedback from the close environment (up to about 1.50 m around).The feedback is audible and ranges from a slight ringing to a clear instability [...]

What is the best gain/sensitivity setting?

Where can I download the AVAA C214 App for Apple or Android?

iPhone, you can download the App from the App Store: https://apps.apple.com/ch/app/psi-audio/id1607080943?l=en-GB Android, you can download the App from Google Play Store:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ch.psiaudio.a2vaa_app

Where can I download the AVAA C214 App for Apple or Android?

After successfully connecting the AVAA C214, the blue LED breathes as if trying to connect

This is a known bug that will be resolved in the next software update.After resetting the credentials, connecting the C214 and switching it off, the connection is lost and the blue LED breathes as if trying to connect.Simply reconnect the AVAA C214 to keep it connected, even after switching it off and on again.In summary: after [...]

After successfully connecting the AVAA C214, the blue LED breathes as if trying to connect

My AVAA C214 is double-blinking blue indefinitely

The AVAA-C214 is unable to reach the router/network and is trying to reconnect until it finds the network. Please check that the router is up and running.

My AVAA C214 is double-blinking blue indefinitely

My AVAA C214 is double-blinking blue during 60 seconds

Either the router is powered off or the credentials given during the process are incorrect.Please check that the router is up and running. Check the credentials. Check that the wifi band is 2.4 GHz.

My AVAA C214 is double-blinking blue during 60 seconds

My AVAA C214 has connected (blue LED Full) but my smartphone does not see it

This means that credentials have been sent to the AVAA C214 and the router was able to assign an IP address to the AVAA C214. There are too many stages in the network such as repeaters, switches, etc. The smartphone switched network to return to its preferred network. As a result smartphone and AVAA C214 are [...]

My AVAA C214 has connected (blue LED Full) but my smartphone does not see it
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