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AVAA - General

We recommend a minimum of 2 units to keep symmetry in a room.

The number of units is dependent on the number of locations that need to be treated more than the size of the room.

In practice, the first two units are placed where they are most useful to the listening position, so they will have the greatest impact. Adding other units in different places further reduces the room modes.

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The AVAA C214 and AVAA C20 are very comparable in terms of performance.
The main difference lies in the design and size, which make the AVAA C214 easier to integrate into a room.
What’s more, the AVAA C214 can be individually controlled via a smartphone app to turn it on and off and to adjust the gain.
Gain can be reduced on both models if the device shows signs of instability in its environment (where it is positioned).
On the AVAA C214, it is also possible to increase the gain and make it more efficient.

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The AVAAs are pressure-based absorbers and will therefore be most effective in location where the pressure build-up is greatest. As it is almost impossible to model the acoustic behaviour in a room, the following rules offer a rapid way of find the best positions:

  • In the corners.
    Corners will generally be most the most effective location as they combine pressure build-up from with lengthwise, width wise and vertical room modes.
  • Against the most rigid wall.
    By definition, flexible walls will move and let sound through. Rigid walls will move less and have greater pressure build-up.
  • Closest to the source of sound.
    If all corners are identical, we have generally observed greater efficiency in corners closest to the source of sound, such as behind the loudspeakers.

And of course, the best result in the listening position is easily achieved after a couple of trials with AVAAs in different positions.

Refer to the user manual for further details.

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When the AVAAs are positioned in a high pressure area of a room mode, the room mode resonance time (RT60) is typically reduced by 30% to 50%.

The result is less low frequency ringing, clearer mids and highs with reduced masking effect and better imaging

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We recommend a minimum of 2 units to keep symmetry in a room.

The number of units is dependent on the number of locations that need to be treated more than the size of the room.

In practice, the first two units are placed where they are most useful to the listening position, so they will have the greatest impact. Adding other units in different places further reduces the room modes.

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The AVAA C214 and AVAA C20 are very comparable in terms of performance.
The main difference lies in the design and size, which make the AVAA C214 easier to integrate into a room.
What’s more, the AVAA C214 can be individually controlled via a smartphone app to turn it on and off and to adjust the gain.
Gain can be reduced on both models if the device shows signs of instability in its environment (where it is positioned).
On the AVAA C214, it is also possible to increase the gain and make it more efficient.

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The AVAAs are pressure-based absorbers and will therefore be most effective in location where the pressure build-up is greatest. As it is almost impossible to model the acoustic behaviour in a room, the following rules offer a rapid way of find the best positions:

  • In the corners.
    Corners will generally be most the most effective location as they combine pressure build-up from with lengthwise, width wise and vertical room modes.
  • Against the most rigid wall.
    By definition, flexible walls will move and let sound through. Rigid walls will move less and have greater pressure build-up.
  • Closest to the source of sound.
    If all corners are identical, we have generally observed greater efficiency in corners closest to the source of sound, such as behind the loudspeakers.

And of course, the best result in the listening position is easily achieved after a couple of trials with AVAAs in different positions.

Refer to the user manual for further details.

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When the AVAAs are positioned in a high pressure area of a room mode, the room mode resonance time (RT60) is typically reduced by 30% to 50%.

The result is less low frequency ringing, clearer mids and highs with reduced masking effect and better imaging

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Yes, both the C20 and the C214 can be used in any position.
The optional feet available for the C214 are useful to place it horizontally on the floor or to fix it to wall or ceiling.

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Yes, when new firmware is available, an update will be displayed in your app. You can then download and install it over the wireless network.

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We recommend a minimum of 2 units to keep symmetry in a room.

The number of units is dependent on the number of locations that need to be treated more than the size of the room.

In practice, the first two units are placed where they are most useful to the listening position, so they will have the greatest impact. Adding other units in different places further reduces the room modes.

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The AVAA C214 and AVAA C20 are very comparable in terms of performance.
The main difference lies in the design and size, which make the AVAA C214 easier to integrate into a room.
What’s more, the AVAA C214 can be individually controlled via a smartphone app to turn it on and off and to adjust the gain.
Gain can be reduced on both models if the device shows signs of instability in its environment (where it is positioned).
On the AVAA C214, it is also possible to increase the gain and make it more efficient.

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The AVAAs are pressure-based absorbers and will therefore be most effective in location where the pressure build-up is greatest. As it is almost impossible to model the acoustic behaviour in a room, the following rules offer a rapid way of find the best positions:

  • In the corners.
    Corners will generally be most the most effective location as they combine pressure build-up from with lengthwise, width wise and vertical room modes.
  • Against the most rigid wall.
    By definition, flexible walls will move and let sound through. Rigid walls will move less and have greater pressure build-up.
  • Closest to the source of sound.
    If all corners are identical, we have generally observed greater efficiency in corners closest to the source of sound, such as behind the loudspeakers.

And of course, the best result in the listening position is easily achieved after a couple of trials with AVAAs in different positions.

Refer to the user manual for further details.

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AVAA C214 latency is below 0.2 ms.

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When the AVAAs are positioned in a high pressure area of a room mode, the room mode resonance time (RT60) is typically reduced by 30% to 50%.

The result is less low frequency ringing, clearer mids and highs with reduced masking effect and better imaging

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AVAA C214 / App troubleshooting

This is a known bug that will be resolved in the next software update.
After resetting the credentials, connecting the C214 and switching it off, the connection is lost and the blue LED breathes as if trying to connect.
Simply reconnect the AVAA C214 to keep it connected, even after switching it off and on again.
In summary: after resetting the credentials, you may need to connect the AVAA C214 twice for it to stay connected even after powering down.

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Yes, enable Hotspot and wifi. You can fill in the SSID with your Hotspot’s name and password.
This should work in most case with Android phones.

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There is a dropdown menu near the small arrow on the application.
Press the arrow and the devices will appear below.

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Make sure you only have one single application open, and make sure the AVAAs are “forgotten” on any other devices connected to the same network.

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This means that credentials have been sent to the AVAA C214 and the router was able to assign an IP address to the AVAA C214.

  1. There are too many stages in the network such as repeaters, switches, etc.
  2. The smartphone switched network to return to its preferred network. As a result smartphone and AVAA C214 are connected to different networks.
    Make sure your AVAA C214 is connected to the same network as your phone.
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The AVAA C214 is too far from the network source.

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Either the router is powered off or the credentials given during the process are incorrect.
Please check that the router is up and running. Check the credentials. Check that the wifi band is 2.4 GHz.

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The AVAA-C214 is unable to reach the router/network and is trying to reconnect until it finds the network.

Please check that the router is up and running.

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The pairing process was successful and your AVAA C214 is already registered in the application The network information was updated correctly.

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  • iPhone, you can download the App from the App Store:
  • Android, you can download the App from Google Play Store:
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Studio monitors

PSI Audio products are available in 3 different colours:

– Studio Red
– Metallic Black
– Pure White

PSI Audio A21-M, Studio Red, Metal Black, Pure White

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